To bring the change in your life you need to bring the change within...

Hi, I am Shruti Srivastava

I am a Certified Life Coach and Healer (Reiki Healing, Inner Child Healing)

I help you dig into the deepest layers of your subconscious energy to heal and bring meaningful and lasting transformation in areas such as relationships, finance, carrier, health and emotional-well being through powerful and holistic approach

Free yourself from this loop of fear, anxiety, sadness, regret and anger!

Have you ever thought…

  • Why do you make the same mistakes in life?

  • Why do you experience the same failure?

  • Why do you get stuck at the same place on repeat?

  • Why do you always feel low about yourself?

  • Why do you struggle in your relationships?

  • Why it always gets difficult to earn, manage & spend your money?

  • Why do your fears overpower your decision to take action?

  • Why do your dreams never make it to reality?

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For more information or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us.

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